Hold Fast the Pattern of Sound Word #7 – Soberer!


Previously on the board:

Hold fast in mind, sound word

2 Tim 1:13                                       Deut 6:1-9

Hold Fast the Pattern of Sound Word

1 Pet 1:13

1 Gird up: – Metap: Tied up the rope.

Lk 12:35 – To start a journey or engaging in any work. vb.

2 Loins: The hip – the place where the Hebrews thought the generative power (semen) resided:

N. Fem. Internally pro – creative power, loin

3. Mind Gk 1271 – Old word for the faculty of understanding, of seeing through a thing – As in Matt 22:37

Mind, i.e. spirit, way of thinking & feeling, thoughts.

Deep thought, the faculty, exercise


Col 1:21 – Alienated – Estrange away, off, departure


Pro 5:2 May Keep H5341

1. To guard, watch over, keep

a. (Qal)

1. To watch, guard

2. To preserve, guard from dangers

3. Observe, guard with fidelity

4. To be kept close, be blockaded


Hold Fast the Pattern of Sound word – Soberer!

Gr. 3525

Be sober – vb. – being sober

Training mentality, purpose, vision etc. choose

Jn 1:12-13: become!


Temperate in the use:

Habitually (auto -) self-control.

Not intoxicated, not mad or insane, not wild, heated with passion:

having the regular exercise of cool dispassionate reason

Not drunken (with knowledge)

To cure of intoxication – Mind – Emotions – Past – Habits – Behaviors – etc.

(spirituality can intoxicate the brain)


New on the board today:

To be calm and collected in spirit, be discreet,

watch our




inner speaker,



To be – become vigilant

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