The Place of Duality – Your Four Characteristics #4

On the board:

The Place of Duality

Matt 13:3-4 + 18-19

Mark 4:3-4 + 14-15

Luke 8:5 + 11-12

James 1:8


The Place of Duality:

– near the field, but not in it

– near the way, but not on it

– hear the word, hear the truth but do not give it credence

(do not accept it to be true or valid)

— so you hear the truth, even believe it to be true,

but do not validate it or accept it for you/your life


– reject the word with disdain(haughty contempt)

– treat the word with rudeness and insult

– treat the word with insulting neglect

= trodden it down


Your ideal self

Your belief system

Your wants

Your personality, character

Christian psychology

Laziness with excuses

The natural and carnal mind

Your own human understanding

Wavering – not coming to a conclusion, a resolution or a resolve

Holding on to the past, old doctrines and wanting to go back t a “feeling/experience”


Easy and comfortable

The path our forefathers walked

The people who walked this path before us

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