The study of divine truth disciplines the mind & heart.
Pro 29:18
Vision: To Girdle Up Mind
Nothing new on the board this time. From the board previous teachings:
Neglecting the development and refinement of the Mind of Christ. 1 Cor 13:11
1. The action or process of refining
2. The quality or state of being refined: cultivation.
Greek word – Authades – Self-willed – Tit 1:7, 2 Pet 2:10
Self – Autos – mns – self and hedomai – mns – “To enjoy oneself”
1. Blind to your weaknesses/sins
2. Always see sins/weaknesses in others. In never cross their mind about themselves.
3. HARD working with others; it’s their way.
Self-willed endangers their soul.
Invest in your spirit
Ps 22:3 – Yah inhabit our praises!
H3427 ya^shab
1. to dwell, remain, sit, abide
a) to sit, sit down
b) to be set
c) to remain, stay
d) to dwell, have one’s abode
e) to be inhabited
f) to set, place
g) to cause to sit
h) to cause to abide, set
i) to cause to dwell
j) to cause (cities) to be inhabited
k) to marry (give an dwelling to)
l) to be inhabited
A prim root; to be clear (orig. of sound, but usually of color);
to shine; hence to make a show
Ps 4:8, 23:6, 27:4, 69:35
Ps 22:3 – Yah inhabit our praises!
Israel = H3478 = Yah prevails. He strive with Yah & ruling with Yah. He will rule as Yah.
H8280 = A prim. rt. – To prevail: – have power (as a prince)
H410 = strength; an adj. Mighty; esp. the Almighty.
Jacob: Natural man of two natures. Inconsistencies are everywhere = carnal nature.
Jacob = Supplanter – mns – 1. One who wrongfully or illegally seizes and hold the place of another. Human nature against divine nature.