Vision: To Girdle Up Mind #23


On the board from before:

The study of divine truth disciplines the mind & heart.

Pro 29:18

Vision: To Girdle Up Mind

The discipline of conformity in the pattern

G2480 vb

Phil 4:13-14-16 – I Can Do! Verb – continue – Non stop!

1) To be strong

A) In boyd, to be robust, to be in sound health.

2) To have power

A) To exert. To have strength, To overcome.

B) To be a force, avail.

C) To be serviceable.

D) To be able, can.

Fr. G2479: To have (Or exercise) Force (Lit or fig.): be able. Be whole + much work.

Ability(1 Pet 4:11), Force, Strength(Mk 12:30,33), Might(Eph 1:19)


Dimension of thinking as to do with the pattern of teaching of Scriptures.

The Pattern first affect the teacher.

The way of looking at or thinking about sth.


Principles are pattern.

Pattern of sth.

Pattern emerges.

Pattern establish.

Pattern reveal principle

Pattern consumes the old A particular way in which sth. usually happens or is done.


Principle means: A basic idea or rule that explains or controls how sth happens or works.


New on the board this time:

Word is light – Light is word – come out of the heart/centre

Light shines




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