Vision: To Girdle Up Mind #6

The study of divine truth disciplines the mind & heart.

Pro 29:18

Vision: To Girdle Up Mind

N.T. Heart: Defined!


Doubtful mind = is an unsettled within itself. Luke 12:29


Heart G2588 (same as the O.T.) – refers primarily to the heart as the center of the human will (will corrected to decision), (spirit of the) mind, emotion and spirit&soul.

It is wholly metaph. in its usage.

Wholly – dict. mns. – 1. Completely, totally or entirely

2. without exception; exclusivelly


1 Cor 14:25 – the secret of the heart

Lk 2:19, 51 – Location of one’s deepest thoughts.

Matt 5:8F, 1 Tim 3:5, 2 Tim 2:22, Jas 4:8, 1 Pet 1:22


False vision:

Heart = mns = H3820 – Jer 23:16

Fr. form of H3824; the heart; (Fig.) ver widely for the feelings, the will & even the intellect; as the seat of emotions & passions & appetites.

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