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G2588 the heart n.fem.
Thayer Definition:
1b) denotes the centre of all physical and spiritual life
2b) the centre and seat of spiritual life
2b1) the soul or mind, as it is the fountain and seat of the thoughts, passions,
desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavours
2b2) of the understanding, the faculty and seat of the intelligence
2b3) of the will and character
2b4) …of the soul as the seat of the sensibilities, affections, emotions, desires, appetites, passions
The inmost part of you
Mat 22:37, Php 1:7, Mat 13:15; Rom 1:21; Luk 16:15; 1Pe 3:4 (for wives, which reveals the husband)
– the heart, as the inner and mental frame
In Greek, the word καρδια (kardia) primarily describes one’s mental constitution and
disposition, and since upset emotions make the heart beat faster, was only secondarily connected
to the physical heart. This secondary connection wasn’t complete either, since one’s
emotions were generally thought to reside in one’s general inside
Pure G2513
1c) ethically
1 – free from corrupt desire, from sin and guilt
2 – free from every admixture of what is false, sincere genuine
3 – blameless, innocent
4 – unstained with the guilt of anything
Matt 5:8 Pure in heart
Treasure G2344 n.
Fr. 5087
a deposit, that is, wealth (lit or fig) – treasure
This noun denotes things stored:
a storage or by impl. wealth or a treasure
Luke 12:34; Heb 11:26
In NT most used to denote
Matt 6:19-21; Mark 10:29
Paul explains that in Christ are hidden
all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:3)
The love of Christ surpasses all knowledge (Eph 3:19)
1 Cor 13:2 If you have all knowledge…
Fr. 5087 B) Fig. to lay down one’s life (Jn 10:11, 15, 17, 18; 1 Jn 3:16).
To place sth in the heart or spirit, in the sense of resolve, to purpose
Matt 6:19-22 Your treasure
Matt 12:33-35 treasure of the heart
Luke 6:43-45 treasure of his heart
Luke 12:31-34 Your treasure